If you know me, you know that I love all things natural. When I have an issue, I automatically turn to at home herbal remedies, for ANYTHING.
I do believe we neglect the earth, people turn to everything but what the earth already so graciously provides us with. The cure to everything is in the world around us, and each day I try to learn something new. It is all so easily accessible to us, and we don’t even realize it! It’s amazing how many benefits there are to simple every day things we are surrounded by, that we do not notice.
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to talk about these things on my blog because I thought if I started off as being beauty related, I should stay that way. But there’s so many things I find out about that I want to share with everyone! I get so excited, I’m like - well if I know this, everyone else should too! So I decided that I want to talk about beauty, health, everything wellness related, whatever comes to my mind.
Beauty comes from within. Most importantly, you should always find value within yourself, and nurture your soul. Beauty is your character, how you present and carry yourself, your mindfulness of the world and those around you, the light that you surround yourself with. Beauty is the heart and truth within you. It is so important to shine from within - and that doesn’t only go for your personality and who you are. When we are good to our bodies, they love us back.
I am by no means perfect, but I try to be a better version of myself every day. A few months ago, I moved out to live on my own with a roommate. Actually it was a good 7 months ago. I started to coop myself up in the house, ordering out every day, eating late at night, drinking soda, drinking juice, not taking care of myself at all. I felt like I was rotting - not to be dramatic, but that is exactly how I imagined myself. I felt so far from who I was, because I was being so careless. I’m only relating this to moving out because let’s be real my mom would not have let me order beef patties at 2am. THEN, my glasses broke and it was a wrap. I didn’t want to go outside because I couldn’t see for the life of me, so I stayed my lazy butt home and used that as my excuse. I got tired of myself and decided to really make a difference in my life and get back to who I was.
I was ruining myself. I was putting nasty things in my body which led me to feel gross from within. I felt ugly, my face was breaking out horribly because I wasn’t following any skin care routine like I normally do, and that wasn’t exactly the only issue. I do have good skin from genetics BUT, I was eating like a pig, not being even the least bit amount of active. All of that showed. I did not want to go out because I didn’t feel or look like myself. I didn’t feel sexy, I didn’t feel beautiful. I wore sweats and leggings and sweaters to hide the parts of me I no longer loved. I neglected my body, my skin, and my hair. I didn’t leave my house so that I did not have to acknowledge the fact that I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin. My friends hadn’t seen me in months. You can hide from the world as long as you want. But you can only hide from yourself for so long.
So I chopped my hair off. Then I chopped it some more. I stocked my fridge up with veggies and fruits, and I started being disgusted by oil and grease. I can’t look at cheese now without thinking about all the pus that milk contains. Because for some reason I hate milk but I take bites out of blocks of cheese like it’s an apple. In all honesty though I still eat the cheese LOL, BUT, what matters is my conscious effort to change! Okay! How could I do this to myself? I disregarded everything I knew and chucked it out the window. I wasn’t loving myself. I wasn’t loving myself at all. I started going outside and taking long walks by the river listening to music to center myself, I started researching all of the things I once loved to know about and started using it in my daily life again. I got myself some nice workout clothes and got back to the gym. I educated myself on the things that I no longer wanted to even go near my body. It’s a process, and there will NEVER come a day that I know it all. Because no one does.
Now, I am a classy bitch that drinks lemon water again instead of Pepsi, get at me. On a serious note though, my point is that I feel more like myself and I am ready to get back to blogging, back to skincare, back to everything and share everything I know with you all, and I hope you can teach me some things as well! It is so so crucial to not neglect your body! You are a product of yourself, I made myself everything that I was filling myself with. All of that negativity will bring you down. Then you start to feel as though you really cannot get back to what you were - or be better. You’re just sick of yourself and want to change, but you don’t actually make a change. And by you, I mean me.
Every day of my life is a journey. I am not an expert, I am still slipping up and trying to do better. This is so much fun for me, it is a hobby. I found the love in nature once more and I want to love myself the most that I possibly can.
So let’s get to it!
There are so many different uses to certain things that I use in my every day life, that I don’t even notice. These are a few of my favorite easy things to get your hands on that double as beauty treatments.
Not only are they super yummy, they make you gloowww! Whenever my skin is acting up, I’ll slice up a cucumber and add it to my water throughout the day. A lot of the time I’m guilty of letting myself get completely dehydrated throughout the day. My skin starts to look tired, and my eye bags start making a dreaded appearance. Girl, bye. No one wants to be going around with worn out bare skin. I want my bare face to shine allll day. So drink your water throughout the day!
Cucumbers will naturally flush your body of toxins - which will leave your skin fighting off acne, or any blemishes. It helps clear my skin up, I find that my skin is more even toned when I’m consistent with the cucumber water. When my eyes feel extra tired, I put a slice of cucumber over each eye and relax. They’re like little ice bags for your eyes, it’ll help your under eye puffiness go down! Also, cucumbers are filled with Vitamin K. Meaning, cucumbers help strengthen your bones.
I am an avid turmeric supporter. I don’t even know where to start, honestly. To name a few things that turmeric does...
- Turmeric protects your brain cells and boosts your cognitive function
- It has the ability to kill cancer cells, it stops them from dividing.
- This amazing spice helps inhibit the formation of fat tissue, making it harder for you to gain weight. It can also increase your metabolism in the process
- Treats diabetes
- Heals wounds such as skin boils and burns
- Helps with eczema
- Prevents dementia
- The anti inflammatory and antioxidant compound found in turmeric known as curcumin, is known to help with depression! You can sprinkle turmeric over food when you’re cooking, take little pills of it, or make it into a yummy tea
- Turmeric fights acne and blemishes, gets rid of black heads and scars, and reduces wrinkles. If you have oily skin, it will help with that as well.
- Use it as a teeth whitener! Mix some turmeric powder, dip your toothbrush under water and brush your teeth thoroughly for 3-5 minutes.
To make a turmeric face mask, it can be as simple as having two ingredients. Honey and turmeric. You can add some lemon in there to help with scarring and to brighten your skin. Mix an equal amount of turmeric and honey until you get it to be a paste that will sit on your skin without completely dripping off. Leave it on your skin for about 15 minutes, and exfoliate as you’re taking it off. Be careful when you’re doing this because it WILL stain and it will be annoying. When I did this, my skin turned bright orange, and I looked crazy but it was well worth it. But of course it came out as I exfoliated my skin and put rinsing it with water.
Another thing you can do with turmeric and honey that is not beauty related is use it to cure your cough! When my throat is killing me, I mix a teaspoon of turmeric and honey and eat it just like that.
Lastly, HONEY!
I’m sure this comes as no surprise. Honey is known to...
- Fade scars
- Moisturize your skin
- You can make a quick and easy scrub with honey that will leave you wanting to eat yourself up from how good you smell and how soft you are! Mix some brown sugar and honey and you’ve got yourself a lip and body scrub all in one. Feel free to add in some lemon for extra benefits and a little citrusy smell
- Because of its anti inflammatory properties, honey is amazing at clearing up acne
- Natural energy booster
- Dip some honey into your warm lemon water in the morning to help with weight loss
- It is great for a hangover! It’s filled with fructose, which boosts the metabolism of alcohol
- Boost your immune system
- Its antibacterial properties help with cuts and wounds, similar to turmeric
- Help with seasonal allergies
- Reduce hair loss
- Lower blood pressure
- PH balance! Ladies listen to me. Honey mixed with some yogurt. You’re welcome
When I feel like my skin needs a little pick me up and is feeling a bit dry, I definitely turn to honey to fix it up a little.

If you would like to donate and read more about why bees are so important to us - follow these few links:
These are three very very simple things you are bound to have in your fridge and cabinet. Sometimes we have a breakout and our first thought is to go out and buy new skin products. We don’t always have to spend so much money to get glowing skin! So not only will these three things help you glow, they’ll definitely benefit your body inside out. It’s great when you can get multiple uses out of a product. When you make your own remedies, you know exactly what you put in there. This makes it easier to know what your skin needs, and what to stay away from.
I hope you all took away even a little something from this post! Let me know if you try these out and how they worked for you! If you have anything to add, feel more than free to drop it in the comments below. Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more natural remedy posts!
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